بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Al Hafeez Quran Academy is established with the aim of spreading the teachings of the Holy Quran and Islam among all the Muslims in the world. We are here to teach your children the Holy Quran with Tajweed and basic rules in order to give them proper education regarding the Holy Quran.

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Al Hafeez Online Quran Acdemy

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer all of your questions which may you have in your mind before start taking Quran Online Classes.

How can I start taking Quran classes online ?

You simply click on “FREE TRIAL” and fill in the Free Trial Form. We will call you to confirm the first free trial class appointment you have chosen. After the free trial is completed and you are satisfied with the classes, you can start taking regular classes at agreed times and days.

How long will it take to complete the course?

Depending on the intensity of the studies (how many classes you take), it will take adults 6/8 months. For children, it depends on their competency level and the support given by their parents.

I have never taken an online course before; will I be able to cope with this?

Yes, our courses are very detailed plan which can be followed even by a 4 year old child to an elderly person. We are trying to provide services for all ages and qualifications.

Can I choose timings at my own convenience?

Yes, you can choose at your convenience. We do our best to find the teachers who are available at that time.

What is the duration of each class?

1 to 1 Classes duration is 30 minutes for each student. In some cases, it can be increased up to 45 minutes.

What do I need to get started?

A laptop, PC, Tablet, or Smart Phone Internet Connection We use Skype, and Zoom, for audio/video chat.


Trial Classes

It is very simple just fill up the Registration form and our team will contact you for the trial classes schedule.


Our Courses

We are offering many courses for online Quran learning. You can opt for you or your child as per your desired requirement.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account